As you know, I am now on a most wonderful adventure to the West. Saturday Susan dropped Eldon and me off at the airport to catch planes to our respective destinations, I to Las Vegas and Eldon to Salt Lake to resume the semester at Brigham Young University.
I got into Vegas and to Jennifer's, my niece, about 10:00 pm. Sunday morning Jennifer, Tiffany, Madison, and I went to church. They are still meeting in the Pecos and Osage building because the 8 th and Franklin building is closed. Apparently during the last remodel they didn't engineer the dropped ceiling properly and now the trusses are failing. The chapel roof is at risk of collapsing. The church is trying to figure out if they are going to tear the building down or repair it.
It was wonderful to be back in the ward that I grew up in. I was able to see so many of the members who were there when I was a kid.
I felt I should get up to bear my testimony. As I looked down in the audience, I could see Sister Kathy Simpson smiling back at me. I took the opportunity to sit in front of her in Sunday School. As we talked before the class started, she asked me questions about what I am doing. I could tell from her questions and her reactions to my responses she truly thought I was something special. I think every guy needs someone to think they are special now and then. I guess she liked me as I was growing up.
After church, we had a bit to eat. I then went to Danny's house and spent the evening with his family. On the way over to his apartment, I drove the old neighborhood. So much is different. I can hardly find the houses of the people I knew growing up. The yards seem so unkempt, not watered, and generally run down. The synagogue, Temple Beth Salome, is no longer a synagogue. The Huntridge Theater is closed. The post office is closed. The First Naitonal Bank where my mother banked and had her mortgage for nearly twenty years is now a pawn shop. There is and abundance of payday loan shops and places where one can take out a loan on the equity of their car. The Larkin's home has been foreclosed and is now empty. It looks like it had been converted into an assisted living center with ramps, fire alarm pulls, and pipes running on the ceiling for fire sprinklers.
Yesterday morning I got ready to go to St. George to visit Aunt Gerta. After Jennifer got Dylan and Tiffany off to school, I helped get her registered on the and ward web sites. Jennifer is truly interested in researching her father's lines as well as her kid's father's lines.
On my way to St. George I stopped to pick up a Dad's death certificate for Linda but I went to the wrong offices. I went to the county offices. I needed to go over to the Health Department on Shadow Lane. I will try again tomorrow.
I got to Aunt Gerta's about 2:00 pm. She is doing well although she is dizzy and unstable on her feet. She is still living in her house at 94 and taking care of herself. She gets out and walks down her side street and then down the front of the house to get the mail every day. She needs help with her walker but is able to do it anyway.
After awhile, Beverly, Aunt Gerta's daughter came over to see me. It was a great visit. We talked of memories of Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa Spendlove. I find myself being grateful for the memories I have of dear family and friends.
She made me dinner. Isn't that shameful but I let my 94 year old aunt make me dinner but I insisted on washing the dishes even though she told me she would do it.
I had lunch with Greg Larkin my good friend when I was growing up.
When we were walking out to his car to go to lunch, I realized that he had driven the 1967 E type Jaguar that belonged to his dad when we were growing up. This was a treat to drive in the car. It reminded me of the trip we took our senior year to Long beach, California to see cruise ship the Queen Mary. I was writting a research paper on the Queen Mary and wanted to tour it. I asked Greg if we could go and our parents gave us permission. It was great to travel to California in a sportscar to boot. On the way we found a long, straight, empty stretch or road and Greg opened it up. We did better than 100 mph for a few minutes. CHILDREN, DON'T TRY THIS IN MY OR YOUR CARS. GREG WAS A TRAINED HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR AND WE WERE BOTH INDESTRUCTABLE. We stayed on Greg's family's sail boat in New Port Beach, toured the Queen Mary, went to church in Laguna Beach (if I remember right), and drove up the coast with the top down. It was a great feeling that our parents trusted us enough to go on this trip. In no way, was I going to do anything that would break that trust. We did nothing that they would disapprove of or that they wouldn't have done.

I drove to Provo to drop of the suitcase I brought for Eldon. I asked him if I could stay the night and then had second thoughts. I had forgotten that single students don't go to bed until after midnight. I will let you know how the turned out.
I got into Vegas and to Jennifer's, my niece, about 10:00 pm. Sunday morning Jennifer, Tiffany, Madison, and I went to church. They are still meeting in the Pecos and Osage building because the 8 th and Franklin building is closed. Apparently during the last remodel they didn't engineer the dropped ceiling properly and now the trusses are failing. The chapel roof is at risk of collapsing. The church is trying to figure out if they are going to tear the building down or repair it.
It was wonderful to be back in the ward that I grew up in. I was able to see so many of the members who were there when I was a kid.
I felt I should get up to bear my testimony. As I looked down in the audience, I could see Sister Kathy Simpson smiling back at me. I took the opportunity to sit in front of her in Sunday School. As we talked before the class started, she asked me questions about what I am doing. I could tell from her questions and her reactions to my responses she truly thought I was something special. I think every guy needs someone to think they are special now and then. I guess she liked me as I was growing up.
After church, we had a bit to eat. I then went to Danny's house and spent the evening with his family. On the way over to his apartment, I drove the old neighborhood. So much is different. I can hardly find the houses of the people I knew growing up. The yards seem so unkempt, not watered, and generally run down. The synagogue, Temple Beth Salome, is no longer a synagogue. The Huntridge Theater is closed. The post office is closed. The First Naitonal Bank where my mother banked and had her mortgage for nearly twenty years is now a pawn shop. There is and abundance of payday loan shops and places where one can take out a loan on the equity of their car. The Larkin's home has been foreclosed and is now empty. It looks like it had been converted into an assisted living center with ramps, fire alarm pulls, and pipes running on the ceiling for fire sprinklers.
Yesterday morning I got ready to go to St. George to visit Aunt Gerta. After Jennifer got Dylan and Tiffany off to school, I helped get her registered on the and ward web sites. Jennifer is truly interested in researching her father's lines as well as her kid's father's lines.
On my way to St. George I stopped to pick up a Dad's death certificate for Linda but I went to the wrong offices. I went to the county offices. I needed to go over to the Health Department on Shadow Lane. I will try again tomorrow.
I got to Aunt Gerta's about 2:00 pm. She is doing well although she is dizzy and unstable on her feet. She is still living in her house at 94 and taking care of herself. She gets out and walks down her side street and then down the front of the house to get the mail every day. She needs help with her walker but is able to do it anyway.
After awhile, Beverly, Aunt Gerta's daughter came over to see me. It was a great visit. We talked of memories of Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa Spendlove. I find myself being grateful for the memories I have of dear family and friends.
Jennifer asked me how Aunt Gerta fills her time. Well, I can say that she probably fills her time better than I. She crochets afghans for the humanitarian efforts in the ward, she reads two chapters a day in the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the New Testaments, and her temple recommend is current. She isn't able to get out to church because she is too unstable and I imagine the crowds are too much for her to deal with.
I was thrilled that Aunt Gerta gave me an Afghan. I will think of her everytime I wrap up in it.
I left about 7:00 pm. On the way out I stopped at the temple. I visited the Visitor's Center to learn more about the construction of the temple. I then walked around the grounds. This is where it all started for Susan and me on September 28, 1982. It has be
en a wonderful twenty-six and one half years.

This morning I went with Jennifer to drop Madison off at her second day of pre school. Later I was able to get over to the Health Department and pick up Dad's death certificate for Linda.
When we were walking out to his car to go to lunch, I realized that he had driven the 1967 E type Jaguar that belonged to his dad when we were growing up. This was a treat to drive in the car. It reminded me of the trip we took our senior year to Long beach, California to see cruise ship the Queen Mary. I was writting a research paper on the Queen Mary and wanted to tour it. I asked Greg if we could go and our parents gave us permission. It was great to travel to California in a sportscar to boot. On the way we found a long, straight, empty stretch or road and Greg opened it up. We did better than 100 mph for a few minutes. CHILDREN, DON'T TRY THIS IN MY OR YOUR CARS. GREG WAS A TRAINED HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR AND WE WERE BOTH INDESTRUCTABLE. We stayed on Greg's family's sail boat in New Port Beach, toured the Queen Mary, went to church in Laguna Beach (if I remember right), and drove up the coast with the top down. It was a great feeling that our parents trusted us enough to go on this trip. In no way, was I going to do anything that would break that trust. We did nothing that they would disapprove of or that they wouldn't have done.
During lunch, Greg and talked about our families, the state of the country, and how Las Vegas had changed since we grew up. I invited Greg and Juliana to come visit us in Maryland. I think he was serious about accepting the invitation. Although I haven't seen him for about friendship is as strong as ever.
After lunch, I hurried back to Jennifer and Kevin's to load my stuff in the car and head for the airport to catch a flight to Salt Lake. The flight however was two hours late getting off. Even though I got to the airport too late to have garentee that my luggage got on the flight, they all got there with me.
I drove to Provo to drop of the suitcase I brought for Eldon. I asked him if I could stay the night and then had second thoughts. I had forgotten that single students don't go to bed until after midnight. I will let you know how the turned out.
By the way, Eldon made me the most wonderful PB&J sandwich made from Susan's homemade bread for dinner. It doesn't get any better than this.
Daddy, I think you are pretty special but I always have. It is nice to have some one new feel the same way. And I think it's way funny you signed Jennifer up for family search! HA I laughed when I read that!
Deborah, I am finding it most interesting what picks peoples interest on my blog. So such of what I write I think is mundane. I'm glad you liked it.
Laughed out loud when I read you Signed Jennifer up for Family search. I'm in the library, and didn't even get one shoosh. Mormons are so nice. I'm really impressed at how much Aunt Gerta does. Anyway, I love you. Enjoy the rest of the trip.
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