Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Eldon

So I was looking through photos today trying to organized them and burn them to CD's so when my hard drive crashes I have something to fall back on. So if find this one celebrating Eldon's birthday with donuts instead of cake.

And then I remember reading Tressa's blog this morning and how she and Deborah commemorated Eldon's birthday this year. Yep, you got it. They celebrated Eldon's birthday with Twinkies.

Why do the Allred's always celebrate Eldon's birthday with pastries? Don't ask me about the year I gave Deborah a piece of wood for her birthday.


Rachel said...

your blogs never go were you think there going to go when you first start to read.

ESN said...

That is too funny! What is it about Eldon that makes you want to make it easy? Maybe just the fact that with him you CAN. lol

e2thenegpii said...

I like pastries...

Jasmyn said...

Why did you give Deborah a piece of wood? Oh, DON'T ask...I misread.