He was such a good boy when he was being blessed. He was very quiet and just looked at everyone in the circle. I'm afraid that I was so focused on Milo that I barely heard a work his father said. I will just have to read the notes that Grandma Shipman wrote down.
My brother, Richard, and his wife, Barbara, came up from Draper. It was very much appreciated that they came up to share a wonderful time in our lives. They have always come through and I can always count on them.
He ended up happy after all even though he was changed once again into the outfit that he went to church in.
And so we end the day with photos of Shipman Family with Grandma Shipman
And another photo with Grandpa Allred.
Believe it or not, the room was filled with family. We just didn't get any photos of the whole group. I'm sure Milo was happy that we didn't take more photos.
So one last thought. I don't know that I understand what it is to be a grandfather or what they do. Check back with me in a few. I can tell you what the differences and similarities of being a father vs a grandfather. A grandfather can look back and remember. Like a father a grandfather looks forward with dreams for the future.